Compare and Contrast the Characteristic Italian and Northern Europe Renissaince Art


· DIS i

Trace the development and evolution of fine art through the periods of the Early on Renaissance to the High Renaissance.

· Explain what primarily distinguishes Renaissance art in full general from the prior period.

· Compare and contrast the piece of work of an Italian Renaissance artist with a work done by a northern European Renaissance creative person, because style, content, and form.

· Include a discussion of the different concerns and heritages of the Italian and Northern Renaissance artists and how these resulted in different characteristics in the fine art piece of work of each region. Be certain to use the new art vocabulary you are learning as you draw the artworks.



Week iii, Discussion 1


Top of Form

During the Renaissance period lots of changes were made inside the globe of fine art and the concept of it all. During that catamenia so many new ways and concepts of how art was done, whether it be sculptures, paintings, or any other type of art. Renaissance fine art differed from the prior catamenia, because a lot more architecture was being created and had a whole new perspective and deeper sense of dimensional effects.

The work betwixt an Italian Renaissance artist and a Northern European Renaissance artist contrast by, focusing on the different details and abilities when it came to their art. Italian artist liked to focus and sympathise more of the human anatomy aspects of the art, and the northern focused more on surface details and naturalism. The northern also like to focus on portraits, while the Italian focused more on classical mythology. The Italian and northern European creative person compared by, both focusing on religious scenes of fine art and glorifying the power of God. They both as well focused on making paintings and different art more than realistic.

The different concerns and heritages of the Italian and Northern Renaissance artists that resulted in the different characteristics would be, the way both of them viewed and had a perspective on how their own art should be. Both worshiped and focused a lot towards the higher ability and God, but at the same time even has nudity within their different artworks.



Week three Discussion one


Top of Form

Within art, the earliest century of the Renaissance has many differences from previous periods of time. During the Renaissance time period, the creative person focused on recreating nature in the class of art and primarily focused on the underlying beauty of nature and how nature plays a vital role in the twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours life. Renaissance art is 1 of the only types of art that does not focus or generate ideas from religion only rather focuses on the idea of existent-life and the linear perspective. The Early on Renaissance began in Italia, which led to the realism aspect that would somewhen become the center of Renaissance art. Beginning in the 14th century, the artist Masaccio was the near popular artist during this time. Masaccio became famous for his piece of work within churches, specifically for the murals he created which were put in the Church of Santa Maria Novella. A famous Italian artist from Florence, Lorenzo Ghiberti, who createdThe Story of Jacob and Esau (Getlein 368), became 1 of the most known artists due to his use of the new idea of "linear perspective" during the Renaissance era. Ghiberti'southward piece used the linear perspective thought to create a "vanishing point" on his piece. Albrecht Dürer a famous Northern European Renaissance artist, likewise focused a lot of his fine art on linear perspective and used lines throughout his art to draw direction and interpretation. Dürer'southward piece,Draftsman Cartoon a Reclining Nude, from The Art of Measurement (Getlein 108), portrays a fine example of the use of lines to apply infinite inside a slice. The idea of linear perspective inside art had become very pop with not simply these artists' work, but with many artists during the Early Renaissance and is even so a very prominent idea used within art today. It was not until the 15th century that art was becoming much more than just painting, but now starting to be sculptures and architecture which became known as "more elevated forms of art". The goal for the artists of the High Renaissance was to "rationally excogitate space to bring clarity and order to their compositions" (Getlein 368). The High Renaissance was the beginning of statue and architectural art, which included engraving, and cutting (intaglio), which somewhen allowed these artists to venture out onto bigger things.


Getlein, Mark.Living with Fine art. McGraw-Colina Education, 2020.

Bottom of Form

Bottom of Class

· DIS 2

Compare and contrast two works of art done in two different eras/styles. Select one of the post-obit pairs of eras/styles: Medieval and Renaissance, Baroque and Rococo, or Rococo and Neoclassical. Give a detailed overview of the catamenia and style and situate your comparison within the stylistic characteristics of each way.


· an overview of what primarily distinguishes the art work of each era, and then indicate specific formal or thematic aspects of each work that typify its era

· a discussion of the role of changing cultural and political climates in influencing the shift from on style to the next.

· a comparative assay of the course, style and content of an artwork from each era (each artwork should be of the same medium and genre, for example two portraits or two figural sculptures).

Be sure to use the terminology regarding elements of art and principles of design that we studied in Week I equally yous go along in your word. Be certain to brand a truthful comparison of the works – don't but discuss each one on its own.



Calendar week 3 d2


Meridian of Grade

The Madonna and the Child versus The Birth of Venus

Medieval and Renaissance periods were a religiously focused cultural exercise. Renaissance art was a style of realism, emphasis on nature and elegance, for wealthy families (Davies et al.,2009). Renaissance art has been the rebirth of Greek and Roman Classical architecture. Renaissance art focuses on humanism, optimizing complexity within an image, and providing a linear viewpoint. It is assumed that the Medieval Period started the decline of the Roman Empire.

Medieval fine art has full-bodied a lot on religion, individuals who are fully clothed, paintings are bright colors, the backdrop in pictures is ane colour. Medieval art inside churches was a type of mosaic painting. The Madonna and the Kid is a famous medieval art painting. The Madonna and Child, frequently known as The Virgin and Child, is the name of the Virgin Mary and Child Jesus piece of art (Davies et al.,2009). "Madonna" in Italian, ways "My Lady." Duccio di Buoninsegna is the artist, who initially colored Madonna and child. The Birth of Venus, painted past Sandro Botticelli, is a popular Renaissance Art. The artwork is significant and points to ancient times. What's interesting nearly such a painting is that before classical antiquity, this was the initial un-religious nude.

The contrast between the two is more than traditional than The Nativity of Venus as depicted Madonna and kid; additionally, it is religious drawing. The Birth of Venus is a sculpture of mythology. The 2 describe the diverse cultural trends from the Medieval to the Renaissance period. The art Nascency of Venus promotes a naturalism of the realistic images; it depicts her as the leading effigy in the picture (Davies et al.,2009). In the drawing, she is the focus of attending. Madonna and kid give an case of symbolic art that is easily identifiable of what the painting is designed to be.

Piece of work cited

Davies, Glyn, and Kirstin Kennedy.Medieval and Renaissance Art: People and Possessions. London: V & A Publishing, 2009. Print.

RELAY TO:Bottom of Class


Week 3 Give-and-take 2


Tiptop of Class

Baroque vs. Rococo Baroque and Rococo are very similar in way. The change from previous eras is this art is total of emotion, energy, movement and colors are more vivid and contrast. The art of these eras are rich and circuitous due to popes and cardinals being less important. Kings and wealthy merchants began to rule the fine art. This brought the extravagant paintings, compages and sculptures. Bizarre and Rococo art are both extravagant and focus on color contrasting. Where they differ is Bizarre focuses on cathedrals, palaces, or any big settings. Where every bit Rococo is more than intimate focusing on homes and smaller rooms. The all-time example to show case the larger lavish setting of Baroque is with Jules Hardouin Mansart and Charles Le Brun's "Hall of Mirrors" at the Palace of Versailles. This 240 long room is total of extravagant sculptures, compages and paintings. The room is lined with mirrors, includes gold sculptures, large drinking glass chandeliers, and a 240 foot long mural painted on the ceiling. The artists used the principles of color to catch the heart, only mainly the principle of space. The large scale room and mural make this a huge 240 foot long piece of fine art. Rococos more intimate setting tin be seen in Francois Cuvillies the Elder's "Mirror Room" in Amalienburg. This room is in a modest house unlike the Palace of Versailles.  The main principle used is the element of lines. The walls and ceilings are blended to give the illusion of a sky. These 2 eras quickly passed as new successors became interested in classical arts.

Getlein, M. (2020). Living with art. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education

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